31) The frequency of something within a given unit of area is. density.Click to see full answer. Regarding this, what is the frequency of something within a given area?51) Distribution refers to the arrangement of observable phenomena across Earth. 52) The frequency of a phenomenon in a given study area is known as density.Likewise, what is clustered in human geography? clustered or concentrated at a certain place. Random pattern. a pattern with no specific order or logic behind its arrangement. Natural Landscape. A physical landscape or environment that has not been affected by human activities. Herein, what is the arrangement of something across Earth’s surface? 14. Distribution – (p. 32) The arrangement of something across Earth’s surface.What is concentration in human geography?Dispersion- The spacing of people within geographic population boundaries. Concentration- The spread of a feature over space. Dispersed/ Scattered- If objects are relatively far apart. Clustered/ Agglomerated- If objects are close/grouped together. The arrangement of features in space.
